Sample Notice of Withheld Delivery

Sample 1:



Dear [Customer],

This letter is made to inform you that your order for certain goods purchased on [Date of Purchase], was withheld because of certain reasons:

[List down the reasons]

Please settle all of the issues mentioned above in order for the delivery to go through. Thank you for your cooperation.

Very Truly,

[Name of Company]



Sample 2:



Dear [Customer],

This letter is made to inform you that your order last [Date] with a purchase order number [put number] was temporarily withheld for the reasons mentioned below:

[Provide the reasons why the products are withheld]

Please respond to this notice immediately so we can fulfill the order and deliver it to you right away. Thank you for your cooperation.





Sample 3:



[Company Name]
[Complete Address]
[Phone Number]

Dear [Name of Recipient],

Our company, [Name of your Company], made a decision to halt the delivery of your orders because of some issues with regard to the purchase. We listed down some of the issues on the delay of delivery and the items that will be temporarily withheld:

[List of Items]

[Issues on withheld delivery]

Please respond to the notice immediately so we can immediately continue the delivery of the products. They will be sent right away once the problems are resolved.

Thank you for your cooperation.



About Me


I’m Sue and I’ve written all the letters on this website. I hope you’ll find them useful.

Most recent letters