Sample supporting statement for a care job application

When applying for a job within the care sector it is important to make yourself stand out from the other applicants. Each job vacancy will often have dozens of people applying for it, and the first chance you have to make an impression is with your application form and covering statement. Make it relevant and engaging and you have more chance of being invited to that all important interview.

The following is an actual statement received by a Care Company. The applicant was given an interview and ultimately got the job. You can see they had done a lot of extra things at work and made sure to mention them all. Applying for a job is all about making sure you mention everything you have done to make yourself stand out from the rest of the applicants.

Take this statement and adjust it to your own work history and experiemce.

Supporting statement for a care job application – sample 1

I have displayed commitment in my current position by working extra shifts, covering sickness, attending courses and training during annual leave and team meetings on days off. In my own time I have implemented plans and games for the service users to use. I pride myself on being willing to go above and beyond what is expected of me. Within a few weeks of working at my current job I had established myself amongst the staff and service users and have formed lasting friendships and bonds as a result of this.

I am a volunteer drama teacher at Club 2000 (a weekly club for adults with learning disabilities, with over one hundred and fifty members attending) and I have used this role to create shows and performances. In [date] I put on a talent show with the members of Club 2000, which had over two hundred and fifty attendees.

I believe I am supportive as opposed to judgmental, I understand views and opinions may vary and would never try and impose my views upon others.

Whilst working and volunteering with adults with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour, I have been in a number of confrontational situations where clients have become verbally or physically aggressive. From this I have learnt how to work with supporting staff, how to asses the situation, how to work out the cause of the behaviour and how to resolve it.

I always volunteer to undertake additional (or non-compulsory) training if it is offered to me. I am committed to developing my knowledge and skills through both practical work and coursework.

I developed two games for our service users to use. One ‘The Banking Game’ helps them understand their money, how to save, where it comes from and how to take charge of their spending. The second ‘The Recruitment Game’ (loosely based around Charades) It is a scripted game for staff involvement where the service users learn to have a hand in the recruitment of staff.

I find myself using downtime (when all set tasks are completed) as a good time to work on other projects. I think this shows initiative. I created a ‘Pet Care Plan’ during downtime, as we have a number of animals in the house I currently work in. I am also a key worker, and part of my responsibility is updating care plans, and introducing new procedures to the care plans. I enjoy this aspect greatly as I find it very rewarding, seeing plans in action and seeing how and if they work.

I think I am a reliable, supportive, competent and caring person. I believe it would be more rewarding working in children’s services as I can help to promote independence and give support and guidance from an empathic point of view.

About Me


I’m Sue and I’ve written all the letters on this website. I hope you’ll find them useful.

Most recent letters