Invitation to Quote for Services

Sample Request for Price Quote

Even as a small to medium sized business you may want to invite quotes for services if there are several companies that could equally provide them for you. By doing this you can ensure you get the best possible quote while also checking that you are comparing like for like.

Letter inviting a quote for services – Sample 1

[Your Business Address]

[Supplier’s Address]


To [Sales Manager or Business Owner –  Name]

Invitation to Quote

Dear Sirs,

[Your Business Name] are in the process of [renewing / developing] the following contract;


We would be grateful if you could provide a quotation for the services as detailed in the specification below.

Please return any quotation by email to [Name, Job Title, email address] by [date and time].

The award of this contract to the successful supplier will be based on the specification criteria being met and we will seek best value, however, best value may not be lowest price.

The winning bidder will be contacted by telephone no later than the [date and time] by myself

Should you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact me on [phone number]. We look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for your quotation.

Yours faithfully

[Your Name]

[Job Title]

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Contract Renewal Date :


Length of Contract :

Quotation a). – 1 year

Quotation 2). – 3 years

Details of Contract :

[Mention what service you require]

List everything you need them to carry out or provide, in as much detail as possible.

Other Information :

Extra criteria or information that would impact on the quotes such as timescale, removing old equipment, providing rubbish removal etc.

Added Value :

Opportunity for the supplier to provide details on added value for their quotation.

About Me


I’m Sue and I’ve written all the letters on this website. I hope you’ll find them useful.

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