Sample birthday party invitation for an adult or a child

Invitation to an adult's birthday party

Invitation to an adult's birthday partyIt’s fun having a party, but a party isn’t a party without guests! What’s the best way to invite them so they can’t refuse?

Firstly give them plenty of notice. They’re far less likely to say they have something else planned for that day if you invite them six months in advance!

Make the invitation personal and if you have the time, write a short letter as people always appreciate the time and effort that goes into a personally written invitation. It makes them feel special – and they are – that’s why you want them to come.

If there’s a theme to your party don’t forget to mention it, and also you can theme your invitation to match which would be a nice touch.

Most importantly don’t forget the date, time and venue.

You can use the following sample invitations as a basis for your own, just remember to make it personal.

Letter inviting a guest to an adult’s birthday party – sample 1

Dear [Name – be informal here, call them what you normally do]

I’m having a Birthday Party on [date] and it starts at [time]. It wouldn’t be a party if you didn’t come along so please accept my invitation as I’d love you to be there.

It’s being held at [venue] and finishes at [time].

If you could let me know if you can come by [date] it would help me with numbers for catering. Did I mention there will be food and a live band?

I really hope you can come,


[Your name]

Letter inviting a guest to an adult’s birthday party – sample 2

Dear [Name – be informal here, call them what you normally do]

I’m having a Birthday Party on [date] and it starts at [time]. I’d love it if you could come as you said how much you missed us being able to see each other like we used to so this would be a great chance to catch up.

It’s being held at [venue] and finishes at [time].

If you could let me know if you can come by [date] it would help me with numbers for catering. Did I mention there will be food and a live band?

I know it’s quite a distance for you to come so you’d be very welcome to stay over at [my place, a hotel where I’ll book and pay for a room for you]

I really hope you can come,


[Your name]

Letter inviting a guest to an adult’s birthday party – sample 3

Dear [Name – be informal here, call them what you normally do]

I’m having a Birthday Party on [date] and it starts at [time]. It’s just an informal get together at my house and most of the family are coming as are some of my friends. I’d love it if you could come and maybe you could entertain us with some of your magic tricks?

If it finishes late, there’s room for people to crash out so don’t worry about not being able to have a drink!

I’m asking everyone to please bring a bottle with them.

I really hope you can come and if you can, please could you let me know by [date] so I have an idea how many to cater for – yes I’m cooking!!


[Your name]

Letter inviting a guest to an adult’s birthday party – sample 4

Dear [Name – be informal here, call them what you normally do]

I’m having a Birthday Party on [date] and it starts at [time]. It’s being held at [venue] and I’m asking everyone to wear something gold – as much or as little as you like – gold that is, not clothes!!

There will be a buffet and a bar and the hotel has rooms available if you’d like to stay over.

Please say you can come as it wouldn’t be the same without you.

If you can come, please could you let me know by [date] so I have an idea how many to cater for.


[Your name]

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