Sample letter informing businesses of change of address

Moving home is stressful but don’t forget there are lots of people and businesses you need to inform of your new address. You can use the following sample letter for almost every situation.

You can also send this as an email if there are contact details on their website.

Letter informing businesses of a change of address – sample 1

[Your name]
[Your new address]

[Name of Bank, Utility Company or other]

Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter is to inform you that I have moved house and as from the date of this letter please send all further correspondence  to:

[New address]

My previous address was:

[Old address]

I would like to request my address to be changed on your records and send any communications and bills to my new address.

Please would you confirm when my address has been changed on your records. You can send me an email at [Your Email] or you can call me on the following contact numbers [Your Contact Number].

Thank you attending to this matter.

Yours Sincerely

[Signature over Printed Name]

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