Sample Request for Wholesale Price List

Letter requesting a wholesale price list

Requests for a wholesale price list are routinely received by most businesses. When you request one you should state clearly and concisely exactly what you want. Is it a brochure / catalogue or is it a personalised quote based on your specifications and / or budget? There is no need to ask for terms at this time as most companies will state them in their reply to you.

In fact many companies publish their wholesale prices on their website, so check that first before taking the trouble to write directly. The majority of companies also offer discount stuctures based on the size or quantity of orders.

The sample letters below will give you a good framework to request either.

You could also try our letter requesting a price quote

Letter requesting wholesale price list – sample 1


Dear [Name of Recipient],

We saw your advertisement posted in the [Name of Magazine or place where the advertisement was seen] and we are interested in doing business with you.

Our Company, [Name of Company], sells [products and services of your company] and we are always looking to provide the best [products and services] for our customers. We feel your products will enhance our selection.

Please could you provide us with your wholesale price list and the terms and conditions for ordering.

We look forward to your response.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

[Name of Sender]

Letter requesting discount structure – sample 1

This letter asks for a discount structure

[Name of Company]


Dear [Name of Recipient],

We would be very interested in finding out more about your range of [mention items – stationary / tools / furniture etc]  and we would be grateful if you could supply us with a brochure  and price list.

We are a mid-sized company and are looking to place several orders during the next [time period eg. six months] for [paper / drills / desks] and  hopefully to develop a longer term business relationship with you.

Could you please give us details of your discount structure.

Thank you very much.

Yours Sincerely,



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I’m Sue and I’ve written all the letters on this website. I hope you’ll find them useful.

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