Sample Request for Price Quote

Sample Request for Price Quote

Sample Request for Price QuoteWhen you have identified potential suppliers for your goods, you will want to request price quotes from each of them to make sure you are getting your goods at the best possible price and with the most favourable terms.

In order to be able to compare quotes, think carefully about what is most important to you and be very clear what you are asking to be included in the quote. For instance are carriage costs or insurance to be included?

How to request a price quote.

A request for price quote letter or email should :

  1. Be addressed to the name of the sales manager at the company providing the quote (preferably)
  2. Contain quick details of your business
  3. Have a specific list of the products or services required
  4.  Ask what payment terms are required
  5. Request details of bulk discounts if your order will be large enough
  6. Check if carriage costs are included

Depending on the size of your potential order, you can also ask about any discount structures.

Your letter or email should be friendly but professional.

Remember that the company sending you the quote will want to feel confident that you will be a good customer and pay your invoices promptly.

Here are four examples of letters or emails asking other companies to supply goods to you for the best price possible.

TIP: It makes a better impression if you can find the name of the manager of the sales team and address them by that name in the letter/email.

Also try our letter requesting a wholesale price list
Or our letter rejecting the price quote received

Letter requesting a price quote –  sample 1

[Your Business Address]

[Supplier’s Address]


To [Sales Manager’s Name]

We at [Name of your Company] would like to request a price quote for the following items:

[List the items]

We would be interested in any bulk purchasing deals you may have as we are looking to purchase large quantities of these goods [mention quantities needed]. We are in a position to purchase these goods immediately if the price is within our allocated budget.

Please feel free to call me if you need any further information in order to provide us with a firm price.

We look forward to hearing from you.


[Signature over Printed Name]
[Name of Company]
[website address]
[phone number]

Letter requesting a price quote – sample 2

[Your Business Address]

[Supplier’s Address]


To [Sales Manager’s Name]

We at [Name of your Company] would be grateful if you would provide us with a quote for the following items:

[List the items]

If your quote is acceptable to us we would be interested in maintaining a long term relationship with you which could entail increasing the variety of goods we purchase from you.

With the potential long term nature of this request we would be delighted if you would give us your best possible price for these items.  We are an established business with a good reputation and so you can be assured of prompt payment on receipt of your invoices in future. Our website is {url here] if you would like to find out more about our business.

Please feel free to call me if you need any further information in order to provide us with a firm price.

We look forward to hearing from you.


[Signature over Printed Name]
[Name of Company]
[phone number]

Letter requesting a price quote –  sample 3

[Your Business Address]

[Supplier’s Address]


To [Sales Manager’s Name]

I write as [owner/buyer/procurement officer] for [Company name and website address]  My interest lies in your product/item number in [size and quantity].

Would you please provide a quote for the cost of the above delivered to our [site/location] and the lead time necessary to meet our requirements.

Please also give details of your terms and conditions for payment.


[Signature over Printed Name]
[Name of Company]
[phone number]

Letter requesting a price quote –  sample 4 (for a service)

[Your Business Address]

[Supplier’s Address]


To [Sales Manager’s Name]

I write as [owner/buyer/procurement officer] for [Company name]

I am interested in the cost of your service to [describe service required]. Please provide a comprehensive quote for the cost of, likely duration of any disruption to our business, and lead time for you to provide the service we require and include your terms and conditions for payment.

Please contact me on the above/following telephone number if you require any further information.

Yours Sincerely,

[Signature over Printed Name]
[Name of Company]
[phone number]

About Me


I’m Sue and I’ve written all the letters on this website. I hope you’ll find them useful.

Most recent letters