How to write an invitation letter or email to a family event

How to write an invitation letter or email to a family event

There are lots of ways you can invite friends and relatives to any celebration, from a phone call to a service like where you order personalised invitations online. However if you want to save some money and at the same time make it special, why not write your own letter or email and send each one out individually?

You’ll want to make it eyecatching, so if you’re doing an email version make sure you use a nice image such as the one at the top of this page which I found free on If you’re sending a letter you could easily make it a bit more special by using different coloured pens or hole punches with special shapes such as hearts or stars. With a letter though, it’s the whole personal touch of an individually written item which makes it so special. Who could resist?

Most parties have a theme, even something as basic as having featured colours, so be sure to link your invitation with the theme in some way.

What to include in any invitation:

Be sure to provide the five Ws in your invitation:

  • WHO
    Who is the party for? Name of the star of the show. If it’s a child’s party add the parents’ details too.
  • WHAT
    What sort of party is it?  Informal, sit down meal, black tie, picnic, fancy dress, paint balling etc, (so the guests know what to wear) and if there is a theme or any special details they’ll need to know
  • WHY
    Why are you having a party? Tell your guests that it’s a birthday party or graduation party etc.
    Where is is being held? Your house or an alternative venue? Insert the address and zip/post code. In an email a link to a Google map would be very useful or in a letter copy out the directions from Google maps to help your guests find the venue.
  • WHEN
    When is it being held? Be sure to name the day, date and time as well as a finishing time if there is one.

Your invitation will be incomplete without these essential components.

You should also make it personal by including the invitees name and maybe adding something that happened between the two of you:

“I really want you to come because you said how much you wanted to see my new flat the last time we met.”

“You really helped me when I was stressed with my exam/divorce and this is my way of saying thank you.”

DON’T FORGET to tell people when they must reply to you by (the RSVP), unless you don’t mind an unknown number of guests just dropping in on the day!

Sample invitations for specific events

For more tailored sample invitations check out the links below. Each invitation is written so you can simply copy and paste the whole invitation and just replace the highlighted sections with your own information. Simple!

Birthday party invitation – Adult – Child

Wedding party invitation

Graduation invitation

Christening invitation

Baby naming ceremony invitation

Baby shower invitation

Gender reveal party invitation

Halloween party invitation

Funeral invitation

About Me


I’m Sue and I’ve written all the letters on this website. I hope you’ll find them useful.

Most recent letters