Sample letter to supplier for late delivery of goods

Sample letter to supplier for late delivery of goods

When a delivery is later than you expected or you were told it would arrive, there is no legal recourse unless you used the words ‘time is of the essence’ in the original order. Writing a friendly but firm letter or email in the first instance instance is the best course of action. Depending on how much you value the supplier and what sort of relationship you’ve had in the past will help set the tone of the letter.

Letter to a supplier chasing up late delivery of goods – sample 1

[Supplier name]
[Company name]
[Company address]


Re: Purchase order no: 123456 dated [date]

Dear [Contact name]

I placed the above order on the [date] and although I was told at the time that the warehouse was out of stock of this item [these items], I was promised that supplies would be arriving within [time period] and they would be sent out to me immediately upon arrival with you.

I understand that these things are not always under your control so I waited an extra [number of] days to allow for unforeseen delays, after which I contacted your sales office on [date] and was told that my order was being processed and I would receive it within [number] days, yet it has still not arrived.

This delay is now impacting our ability to [supply our customers / continue our building work / finish our project etc]. Please would you give this matter your immediate attention and telephone or email me with a firm delivery date when we can expect the order to arrive.

Thank you,

[your name]
[your position]

[telephone number]

[your email address]

Letter to a supplier chasing up late delivery of goods – sample 2

[Supplier name]
[Company name]
[Company address]


Re: Order no: 123456 dated [date]

Dear [Contact name]

I placed the above order on the [date] and was given a delivery date of [date]. The goods have not yet arrived.

I emailed your office on [date] when the order was [number] days overdue and was told the order was [already out for delivery / being processed etc]. However now, [number] days later they still have not arrived.

I’m extremely disappointed as the reason I ordered from you rather than your competitor [name] is because your delivery times were so much faster. The delay has meant I am unable to [ state what it’s impact is ].

Please would you give this matter your immediate attention and telephone or email me with a firm delivery date when I can expect the order to arrive.

Thank you,

[your name]
[your position]

[telephone number]

[your email address]

About Me


I’m Sue and I’ve written all the letters on this website. I hope you’ll find them useful.

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