Letter disputing a carriage charge on a delivery

Letter disputing a carriage charge on a delivery

Carriage charges can be one of the most commonly disputed items between supplier and purchaser. If you receive goods which include a charge for delivery that you did not expect, then contact the supplier as soon as possible to query it.

Letter disputing a carriage charge on a delivery – sample 1

[Supplier’s company name]
[Supplier’s company address]


Invoice no: 123456

Dear [contact name],

We have received your invoice no: 123456 in the amount of [amount]. However we were surprised to see included a carriage charge of [amount].

On your quotation (no: [number]) there was no mention of an extra cost for delivery, and as our original purchase order specifically asked for a quote ‘carriage paid’ we are entitled to assume that the final amount in that quote  included the delivery cost.

Please could you send us a credit note for the full amount of the carriage.

Your sincerely,

[your name]
[your position]
[your email]

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