Sample complaint letter to supplier about orders

Letter of complaint to a supplier

Letter of complaint to a supplierMistakes happen, but when a supplier makes mistakes with your orders on a regular basis it becomes more than an irritiation, it can begin to disrupt your business.

Finding a new supplier is an arduous process so it’s always worth trying to sort out the root of the problems first with your existing supplier.

The following two complaint letters to suppliers can be used to start the process. The first letter has a friendly but firm approach, the second shows more annoyance on your part, with the threat to go elsewhere if the problems are not sorted.

For a one off complaint you might prefer these letters:

Sample complaint for goods not received

Sample complaint for wrong goods received

How to write a complaint letter to a supplier.

Your letter or email should contain the following:

  1. Details of the most recent incorrect order
  2. History of mistakes in other orders received
  3. The impact this has on your business
  4. Suggestions for possible solutions
  5. (As a last resort) a threat to take your business elsewhere.

Letter complaining to supplier – sample 1

[Your Business Address]

[Supplier’s Address]


To [Manager’s Name]

Re: Purchase order number 123456

We received this order yesterday which was for [list items], however on inspection we found that [there were only 40 received / they were the incorrect item / the wrong size etc]. As you know from previous correspondence this is the [fifth / fourth etc] time in a row we have had to complain about our orders from you.

This causes us inconvenience, you extra expense, and both of us aggravation. I would like to suggest that we have a meeting to include the Warehouse Manager where we can discuss ways in which we could prevent this happening in the future?

If matters don’t improve then reluctantly, we will have to consider sourcing another more reliable supplier.

In the meantime please arrange for [the balance / correct] items to be sent as soon as possible.

Yours Sincerely,

[Signature over Printed Name]
[Name of Company]
[website address]
[phone number]

Letter complaining to supplier – sample 2

[Your Business Address]

[Supplier’s Address]


To [Manager’s Name]

I am writing to express my growing dissatisfaction with the service we are receiving from [Company name].

For the first year, the service we received was impeccable. Since then though we have noticed a gradual deterioration. The goods we order are [list your grievances here e.g. frequently out of stock, take longer than expected to supply or we are sent the wrong items]. In addition when we complain you do not respond as speedily to our requests as before. Only [yesterday] we received yet another order with the incorrect items supplied.

As a growing business with a great reputation we rely upon our suppliers to give us the best possible service. We will be monitoring the situation closely over the next few weeks and if the situation does not improve we will have no option but to find another supplier.

If you would like to speak to me about these issues in more detail please feel free to call me anytime.


[Signature over Printed Name]
[Name of Company]
[website address]
[phone number]




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I’m Sue and I’ve written all the letters on this website. I hope you’ll find them useful.

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