Sample letter about removing your child from school

There are many reasons why you might want to withdraw your child from school, but whatever reason you have, it is a formal matter, and you should let the school know of your decision in a formal manner. This is one time when a letter and not an email should be the communication method.

Ideally your letter advising the school of your child’s withdrawal should:

  1. be formatted as formal correspondence
  2. include your name and mailing address
  3. include today’s date
  4. be addressed to the headteacher
  5. state the child’s full name
  6. state the child’s  teacher’s name and form
  7. State the date your child will be leaving
  8. Mention the reason for the removal of your child

Address the recipient which will normally be the Headteacher or Principal, with a formal salutation such as “Dear,” and close your letter formally with “Yours sincerely,” followed by your written signature. 

Email is not usually appropriate for such a communication so post, or better still, hand deliver a letter giving notice of withdrawing your child from school.

Letter Giving Notice About Withdrawing Your Child From School – sample 1

[Parents’ names]


[Headteacher’s name]

School Name

School Address


Dear [Headteacher’s name],

We are writing to inform you that our son/daughter, [name], currently a pupil in [class name or number], [Teacher’s name’] class, will be withdrawing from [School Name] as of [date].

(This next paragraph should contain your reason for removing your child for example:)

  • Our family is moving home and we will no longer be living close enough for [child’s name] to attend [School Name].
  • [Child’s name] has been awarded a scholarship to a sport’s academy where they can spend more of their time pursuing [football, gymnastics, swimming etc].
  • We have managed to obtain a place for [child’s name] at a school closer to our home than [school’s name] and this will save us significant time and stress each day by avoiding the current long school run.

We have included all relevant forms related to [child’s name] withdrawing from [School Name].

[Child’s name] has been very happy at [school’s name] and in many ways we shall be sad to for them to leave. Please send our thanks and best wishes to all the staff for the way they have looked after and nurtured [child’s name] and best wishes for the continuing success of your school.

We would ask that you please acknowledge receipt of this letter in writing and confirm that [child’s name] will be deleted from the school’s admissions register as of [date].

Yours sincerely,

[Parent’s names – signatures]

[Parent’s names – printed]



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I’m Sue and I’ve written all the letters on this website. I hope you’ll find them useful.

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